Sunday, September 11, 2011

[CP]What IF?

9/11…the very sound of these two numbers is haunting for many Americans all across the United States and for people in other parts of the world as well. As we come to the 10th year anniversary of this epic tragedy, we are all shocked at how long it has been since event occurred. It seems as if it had just happened yesterday and the cries of many Americans were ringing through the heads of those who weren’t as affected as much as the ones who lost loved ones                                                                                                
   At first glance, it seemed completely sensible to go to war with the enemies but in the long run, we look back at this decision and can’t help but ponder what would have happened if we handle this with a different aspect. What if we had never went to war. What if we never sent thousands of troops across the Atlantic and into enemy lines? What if we haven’t spent BILLIONS of dollars on countless ammunition and war materials…WHAT IF, WHAT IF, WHAT IF. For every action occurred there is a reaction. We must always keep this in mind. For example, now that we are ten years down the road from when we first declared war, we can now look back and see how much damage has been done to our own country from the actions we have decided to carry out. Our country is now in economic turmoil because of this war, point-blank-period and again all we can do, again, is sit back and ask ourselves, WHAT IF?

1 comment:

  1. Is that "all we can do"? Sit back? Ask ourselves questions? I consider myself much more of a radical than you, amigo. I think there's stuff we can definitely do about the situation we're in as a country...Although I'll admit I'm still trying out different answers until I find the action(s) that will best contribute to my community. Maybe I'm reading too much into your you really mean to say that all we can do is sit back?
