Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[FP] Swagg

Some people believe that if you have the latest styles or any of the newest trends then you have, so called "swagg" I mean of coarse some of that would help, but i have seen the wettest outfit on the some of the most least confident people and it makes them look like they have negative "swag". Honestly, what you have to realize ladies and gentlemen, is that swag is defined solely by your confidence and creativity. When you wake up in the morning and pick out your fit-of-the-day, (or if you pick it at night) you should always keep in mine who you are as a person and how you want to project yourself. Remember, clothes are just an extension of you and if your not feeling good that day or your energy is low than your swag will defiantly be slacking.
  When i get dressed, i never think about what other people might say about my fit because all that matters is that i feel comfortable in my choice of clothing. That how everyone should feel aswell. So the next time you you get dressed for school or a party or whatever, make sure you feel comfortable and look good because if you look good you feel good!


  1. Sound advice. I'm a little behind on the slang here. What do you mean by "wettest"? Sorry to be so tragically un-hip.

  2. dude he is what I thought of your post

