Sunday, September 11, 2011

[RP] 9/11

"I think 9/11 was not a really good thing they just bombed every one in that building over and over again."

I agree with Ant, I feel as if the actions of Al-Queida was completely out of line and unnecessary. Honestly I feel like ALL wars have nothing to do with the citizens of countries involved because if you really just think about it, the only thing that our leaders are usually fighting over is money, power, or territory. War to me is just ridiculous in the first place and I don’t understand it. The way that this particular terrorist group took out their intense anger on innocent civilians was inhumane. The amount of hatred you need in order to plan and execute such a harsh plan of redemption is way to vase to even fathom for me personally.

When the very first plane crashed into the west tower and I seen the terror on people’s faces that where around the cameras it was very hard for me to hold back my true emotions. Then the second plane came and I felt that one more than the second one because that was when the buildings started to collapse and you just sat there knowing how many people where just killed. You started to sit on the edge of your seat, just hoping that it would be over and you can wake up from this horrible dream. Sometime you can’t help but sit back and think, what if that were me in that building or what if that was one of my family members that died in one of those buildings. All I can do now, is just PRAY! Anthonie's blog

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