Friday, September 9, 2011

[FP] day-to-day #1

Wassup with it ladies and gentlemen, its your boy again (MeedyBo if you didn’t know) and today I wanted to just talk to you guys about my day today.  The first thing I did today was wake up at 5:30 so I could get ready for zero period. It’s always hard to wake up that early everday but it is a must for me because it takes me forever to get ready in the mornings.
       After I got to school, I almost fell asleep in my zero period but I was lucky because we were dealing with chemicals so that really livened up the class that day. The next class I had was Spanish 1. My Spanish class is always kind of  awkward for some odd reason but its cool because I have  one of my “patnas” in that class so I feel better. My next class = fail. It is my drama 2 class and it is not smackin at all but its one of those things you just got to get through. My drama class was hella fun last year but this year its just hela weird and people have no sense of humor. My third class is my P.E class and that is got pointless really. My fourth period class is my AP Euro history class and I am lucky if I don’t fall asleep in class everyday because I mean who enjoys history like that. 5th period is adv. Algebra 2 & 6th period is the best class though! Aye shout out to Mr. Southerland! Yeah but that is the day in the life of ME! Follow me on twitter @soulfoodkilla haha (: 

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