Sunday, September 25, 2011

[CEP] Dont Ask: Dont Tell

The United Sates is really messed up for even having the Don’t Ask: Don’t Tell law because what they don’t realize, is how demoralizing it is to human beings. Being gay, homosexual, lesbian, transgender …etc already has a negative connotation that goes along with it and insensitive things like this are prime examples of how people have no feelings for people who are different than the norm.
These brave, young men and women are out there serving our country on fierce and intense battlegrounds everyday and they have the nerve to say that if you have a different sexual preference then you can’t fight and defend the country you love. I’m sorry but that’s complete BS and it makes no sense to me. I feel like, in America we are all set to a certain financial class, a certain ethic background, and that’s the way you are supposed to act, according to those particular attributes. What people really need to understand is that you cannot keep judging people solely on the exterior but instead judge them on their interior and measure how good their intentions are, rather than jumping to conclusions by what is already known or assumed by the naked eye or ear. I know this might be hard to digest for some of you but what you have to understand is this….We Are All Human Beings and the fact-of-the matter is that God gave us the beautiful gift of choice when we were placed on earth and if he all wanted us to be exactly the same, he would have never gave us that option.

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