Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[colum]Get to know ya boi

 Ayy, wassup with you!? My name is Sulaiman Hameed and I am currently a sophomore at Alameda High School in Alameda,CA. I am a young African American male who is striving to be something great. I have very strong leadership qualities that I look forward to using them on and off the field. I am also very good at listening and learning, I use these qualities in the classroom and on the field as well. I am an avid athlete, playing sports such as football, basketball and track. Sports have always been pivotal in my life, especially after my dad moved to Texas.     

            My hobbies include making my own music, dirt-biking, and dancing. I have always been intrigued by music ever since I was a little boy. Growing up, music was always surrounding me, whether coming from my family singing or from the records that were constantly playing. Dirt-biking is a newer hobby of mine that I acquired while in Texas with my dad and cousins. In Texas dirt-biking was a very popular past-time and as soon as I tried it, I was hooked. I feel as if my love for dancing came along with the music. Anytime I hear a really good song, I automatically want to get up and start dancing, it’s almost instinctive. I love all three of these hobbies, especially music and dancing, because it gives me a way to express myself in a positive manner and it allows people to see another side of me.

In addition to my hobbies, I work very hard at being an excellent student. My parents insist on learning and excelling in school. My first year of high school was somewhat of a breeze for me but, learning to be a part of a large school, playing football, basketball and track, and managing my studies was still extremely difficult for me. In my first semester of high school, I was successful in achieving a 4.0 grade point average. I intend to continue to work hard and excel in my academics as well as on the football field. In my sophomore year I am challenging myself even more by adding some rigorous classes to my ever-so-busy schedule: AP Euro, 0 period chemistry and Adv. Algebra 2.

I have been involved in football ever since I was eight years old and as soon as I first touched a football I immediately fell in love with it. Under the watchful eye of my Coach/Uncle, Eugene Gardner, I matured more and more on the field as time progressed. He is truly one of the main keys to my progression because he has taught and continues to teach me everything I know, so far, about the game of football. He has also helped make me the young man I am today because some of the things he has taught me over the years. I always have to give all my thanks to god for putting me in this wonderful position to succeed and my family for supporting me at all times.    

My writing goals for this year will diffidently be to expand my vocabulary and to learn how to write long stories and essays better. I am really looking forward to this year because I have never been in a class where you don’t take test, the teacher doesn’t grade your work, and you never have to turn in anything, personally. I think that if I manage my time wisely this year, I should be just fine, but I know that as soon as I start to slack off, it’s going to become very difficult for me so I got to keep working hard and stay on top of my assignments.

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