Saturday, September 17, 2011

[RP] San Lorenzo

"Coming off my game friday night agianst Northgate"
 Coming off of a tough loss last week from former section champs Northgate, the alameda hornets football team bouces back with a triumphpant win over the San Lorenzo Rebels. The game started off with the Hornets at a very high energy level and you can tell how hungry they were for thier first win. When it was time for the kickoff, everybody in the stands and on the feild felt the intesity of the game. The first defensive resulted in a fumble recovery for a tochdown by Adam Awa. After the insuing kickoff return. The Super-Sophmore, Sulaiman Hameed busted for a 79 yard touchdown run. After already being up, 13-0 not even halfway into the first half, the hornets keep a firm grasp on the lead for the rest of the game.
   Eleven different hornet players touched the ball for the electrifing A-team offensive and the hard-nose deffensive forced twelve turnovers. The game resulted in Sulaiman Hameed rushing for 101 yrds. Antonio Manibussan throwing for 107 yrds. Zac Alfers catching for 71 yrds. It was a awesome game for the Hornets and a great way to earn their first victory for the season. The Hornets will prepare to take on the Encinal Jets next week in the Island Bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a great game. Also, I like the sportscaster-tone you adopt here, including the way you write about yourself in the third person.

    Where is this quote from, and can you please include a link to the original post, so that if folks want to go see what you're responding to, they can? Thanks.
