Sunday, September 25, 2011

[FP} island

On Friday night our alameda high football team took on their cross-town rivals, the Encinal Jets. The game was hyped up extremely high and there was an estimated 2,000 people there. The game was even televised on 2 different channels and there was also known to be plenty of scouts in attendance. The final score of the game was 45-41: Encinal. As you can see it was an extremely good game and both sides battled valiantly but just like in every game that is played, there can only be one winner. The game started with Alameda getting the edge over Encinal and it being a 14-7 game but Encinal came back with two blocked punts that both set up for touchdowns and put the Jets up 21-14. At halftime it wasn’t known who was going to win the game but it looked as if Alameda had the most heart when it came down to tick for tack, but once Encinal got that first lead they never looked back. There were touchdowns on the alameda side from Andrew Cooper, Zac Alfers,  Keelan Doss, Antonio Manibusian and Sulaiman Hameed. Despite all of the effort from the Hornets , the Encinal Jets came out with the Win.
                This was the 57th anniversary of this glorified Island Bowl between Alameda High’s Hornets and Encinal’s  Jets. This particular game will go down in the books for being on of the better games because Encinal is known for just blowing Alameda off the field and the Hornets put up a hell of a fight.


“He said congratulations and gave me a hug, I looked down at the letter and it was a letter from Princeton University about their woman's basketball program.”
                My sister Deja though!!! I was super juiced when I saw this lil post. Even though she failed to tell me this in person but is all good because I’m still ecstatic that it happen.
                Some people might not know this, but me and my sista DJ go way back, back to when you be like damn, ‘that aint coo’ ahaha. But yeah I been knowing Deja since I was about 6 or 7 which is extremely long, giving the fact that I’m a grown man now.  DJ is prolly one of the chilliest, funny, silly, bipolar, awesomest people you’ll ever get to meet in a very long time. I don’t think there is one time ( except for when shes mad at me) when I’ve talked to her and not smiled because that’s just how we roll. I lowkey look out for her like she’s my lil sis when it comes to boys and people messing with her because that just how we roll. I also help her with her basketball skills because lord knows she needs help lol but nahh forreal I thought her everything she knows and she thanks me every day for it. Aint that right Deja?? Aha yawp, because once again that’s just how we roll. I am really happy that Dj is on the basketball map fpr college tho and I know shes going to make it somewhere and be successful .

[CEP] Dont Ask: Dont Tell

The United Sates is really messed up for even having the Don’t Ask: Don’t Tell law because what they don’t realize, is how demoralizing it is to human beings. Being gay, homosexual, lesbian, transgender …etc already has a negative connotation that goes along with it and insensitive things like this are prime examples of how people have no feelings for people who are different than the norm.
These brave, young men and women are out there serving our country on fierce and intense battlegrounds everyday and they have the nerve to say that if you have a different sexual preference then you can’t fight and defend the country you love. I’m sorry but that’s complete BS and it makes no sense to me. I feel like, in America we are all set to a certain financial class, a certain ethic background, and that’s the way you are supposed to act, according to those particular attributes. What people really need to understand is that you cannot keep judging people solely on the exterior but instead judge them on their interior and measure how good their intentions are, rather than jumping to conclusions by what is already known or assumed by the naked eye or ear. I know this might be hard to digest for some of you but what you have to understand is this….We Are All Human Beings and the fact-of-the matter is that God gave us the beautiful gift of choice when we were placed on earth and if he all wanted us to be exactly the same, he would have never gave us that option.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dark Room

A tall dark African- American man walks into a pitch black room. The room is extremely cold and you can feel the suspension of the uncertain objects in the room building up higher and higher. The man takes his first step into the pitch black room and his whole body is immediately shot up with terror, it starts at his feet and it slowly spreads to his butt then to his sweaty back. When the terror finally reaches his second step, he feels as if he is going to pass out. As he takes his third step with his size 14, left foot, he could hear the sound of his red air max ninety-fives squeak against the cold hard basement floor. The sound startled him so much that the feeling of terror shot right back up his smoothly shaven legs and into his black hairy chest. The man’s puffy afro begins to feel like little black spiders were crawling in his hair and he startled to jump around and run his hands through his nappy roots to get rid of any unnecessary items intertwined with his freshly combed hair.

Even though it was over 100 degrees outside, the basement felt so cold that it could snow at any given minute. The man was so cold and nervous that he started to shiver and shake. The goose bumps on his arms were rapidly spreading throughout his whole body and it reached all the way down to the tip of his big round black big toe. The man suddenly remembered that he had stored a big ass puff coat in the right section of the basement but he knew that there was something different in the atmosphere and he was too terrified to walk over there and get it himself. The man reached for his old 1989 cell phone to call down his son to help him get the puff coat and to calm his nerves. When he really got his son on the phone, he asked him if he can also bring him down a nice cold glass of the freshly squeezed lemonade. The son kept asking his father what he was saying, like he was having a hard time hearing him, but he ended the conversation with an OK DAD and hung up the phone in his face. When his son reached the door he started to pound it with his fist, splashing and spilling most of the lemonade out of the beautifully decorated cup. The father then turned to the direction the pounding was coming from but it was so dark that the man couldn’t even remember where he had came in from. After several minutes of pounding the son eventually went away.

Suddenly, something slapped the man in the face. Thinking that it was his son trying to mess around, he yelled for his offspring to knock it off. After it didn’t stop and the slaps kept coming back and the man yelled at the top of his lungs for the slapping to stop. After 30 seconds of screaming the man eventually passed out and died of starvation and a heart failure….it turned out that the slapping was coming from a hanging bag of garbage.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

[RP] San Lorenzo

"Coming off my game friday night agianst Northgate"
 Coming off of a tough loss last week from former section champs Northgate, the alameda hornets football team bouces back with a triumphpant win over the San Lorenzo Rebels. The game started off with the Hornets at a very high energy level and you can tell how hungry they were for thier first win. When it was time for the kickoff, everybody in the stands and on the feild felt the intesity of the game. The first defensive resulted in a fumble recovery for a tochdown by Adam Awa. After the insuing kickoff return. The Super-Sophmore, Sulaiman Hameed busted for a 79 yard touchdown run. After already being up, 13-0 not even halfway into the first half, the hornets keep a firm grasp on the lead for the rest of the game.
   Eleven different hornet players touched the ball for the electrifing A-team offensive and the hard-nose deffensive forced twelve turnovers. The game resulted in Sulaiman Hameed rushing for 101 yrds. Antonio Manibussan throwing for 107 yrds. Zac Alfers catching for 71 yrds. It was a awesome game for the Hornets and a great way to earn their first victory for the season. The Hornets will prepare to take on the Encinal Jets next week in the Island Bowl.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[CP] MNF/Jerome Boyd

Last night was the season opener for the Oakland Raiders, as well as for the National Football League. The football game was played on the NFL's highly celebrated Monday Night Football show and the "Ruthless Raiders" took on the Denver Broncos at Denver. The game was very undisciplined and both teams ending up with a bunch of penalty flags which in turn, turned into a lot of negative yardage. The game was eventually won by the raiders, 23-20.
  My god-father's little cousin, is Jerome Boyd, who is number 30 for the Oakland Raiders. Jerome had a great game and he was everywhere on the field during the amount of time that he was playing. He had only made 6 or 7 tackles, i think but at the same time that is really good for a second year player in his first Monday Night Football game. He must have been doing something right because the commentators were talking quite a bit about him and how good of a player he has the potential to be. Jerome actually plays the same exact position as me and I look forward to trying to work with him in the future and him helping me out with my technique. Jerome played his college years at the University of Oregon and learned from some of the best definsive backs coaches in college football. He has to be one of the hardest working football players i know and i look up to him for that.

[FP] Swagg

Some people believe that if you have the latest styles or any of the newest trends then you have, so called "swagg" I mean of coarse some of that would help, but i have seen the wettest outfit on the some of the most least confident people and it makes them look like they have negative "swag". Honestly, what you have to realize ladies and gentlemen, is that swag is defined solely by your confidence and creativity. When you wake up in the morning and pick out your fit-of-the-day, (or if you pick it at night) you should always keep in mine who you are as a person and how you want to project yourself. Remember, clothes are just an extension of you and if your not feeling good that day or your energy is low than your swag will defiantly be slacking.
  When i get dressed, i never think about what other people might say about my fit because all that matters is that i feel comfortable in my choice of clothing. That how everyone should feel aswell. So the next time you you get dressed for school or a party or whatever, make sure you feel comfortable and look good because if you look good you feel good!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

[CP]What IF?

9/11…the very sound of these two numbers is haunting for many Americans all across the United States and for people in other parts of the world as well. As we come to the 10th year anniversary of this epic tragedy, we are all shocked at how long it has been since event occurred. It seems as if it had just happened yesterday and the cries of many Americans were ringing through the heads of those who weren’t as affected as much as the ones who lost loved ones                                                                                                
   At first glance, it seemed completely sensible to go to war with the enemies but in the long run, we look back at this decision and can’t help but ponder what would have happened if we handle this with a different aspect. What if we had never went to war. What if we never sent thousands of troops across the Atlantic and into enemy lines? What if we haven’t spent BILLIONS of dollars on countless ammunition and war materials…WHAT IF, WHAT IF, WHAT IF. For every action occurred there is a reaction. We must always keep this in mind. For example, now that we are ten years down the road from when we first declared war, we can now look back and see how much damage has been done to our own country from the actions we have decided to carry out. Our country is now in economic turmoil because of this war, point-blank-period and again all we can do, again, is sit back and ask ourselves, WHAT IF?

[RP] 9/11

"I think 9/11 was not a really good thing they just bombed every one in that building over and over again."

I agree with Ant, I feel as if the actions of Al-Queida was completely out of line and unnecessary. Honestly I feel like ALL wars have nothing to do with the citizens of countries involved because if you really just think about it, the only thing that our leaders are usually fighting over is money, power, or territory. War to me is just ridiculous in the first place and I don’t understand it. The way that this particular terrorist group took out their intense anger on innocent civilians was inhumane. The amount of hatred you need in order to plan and execute such a harsh plan of redemption is way to vase to even fathom for me personally.

When the very first plane crashed into the west tower and I seen the terror on people’s faces that where around the cameras it was very hard for me to hold back my true emotions. Then the second plane came and I felt that one more than the second one because that was when the buildings started to collapse and you just sat there knowing how many people where just killed. You started to sit on the edge of your seat, just hoping that it would be over and you can wake up from this horrible dream. Sometime you can’t help but sit back and think, what if that were me in that building or what if that was one of my family members that died in one of those buildings. All I can do now, is just PRAY! Anthonie's blog

Friday, September 9, 2011

[FP] day-to-day #1

Wassup with it ladies and gentlemen, its your boy again (MeedyBo if you didn’t know) and today I wanted to just talk to you guys about my day today.  The first thing I did today was wake up at 5:30 so I could get ready for zero period. It’s always hard to wake up that early everday but it is a must for me because it takes me forever to get ready in the mornings.
       After I got to school, I almost fell asleep in my zero period but I was lucky because we were dealing with chemicals so that really livened up the class that day. The next class I had was Spanish 1. My Spanish class is always kind of  awkward for some odd reason but its cool because I have  one of my “patnas” in that class so I feel better. My next class = fail. It is my drama 2 class and it is not smackin at all but its one of those things you just got to get through. My drama class was hella fun last year but this year its just hela weird and people have no sense of humor. My third class is my P.E class and that is got pointless really. My fourth period class is my AP Euro history class and I am lucky if I don’t fall asleep in class everyday because I mean who enjoys history like that. 5th period is adv. Algebra 2 & 6th period is the best class though! Aye shout out to Mr. Southerland! Yeah but that is the day in the life of ME! Follow me on twitter @soulfoodkilla haha (: 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[colum]Get to know ya boi

 Ayy, wassup with you!? My name is Sulaiman Hameed and I am currently a sophomore at Alameda High School in Alameda,CA. I am a young African American male who is striving to be something great. I have very strong leadership qualities that I look forward to using them on and off the field. I am also very good at listening and learning, I use these qualities in the classroom and on the field as well. I am an avid athlete, playing sports such as football, basketball and track. Sports have always been pivotal in my life, especially after my dad moved to Texas.     

            My hobbies include making my own music, dirt-biking, and dancing. I have always been intrigued by music ever since I was a little boy. Growing up, music was always surrounding me, whether coming from my family singing or from the records that were constantly playing. Dirt-biking is a newer hobby of mine that I acquired while in Texas with my dad and cousins. In Texas dirt-biking was a very popular past-time and as soon as I tried it, I was hooked. I feel as if my love for dancing came along with the music. Anytime I hear a really good song, I automatically want to get up and start dancing, it’s almost instinctive. I love all three of these hobbies, especially music and dancing, because it gives me a way to express myself in a positive manner and it allows people to see another side of me.

In addition to my hobbies, I work very hard at being an excellent student. My parents insist on learning and excelling in school. My first year of high school was somewhat of a breeze for me but, learning to be a part of a large school, playing football, basketball and track, and managing my studies was still extremely difficult for me. In my first semester of high school, I was successful in achieving a 4.0 grade point average. I intend to continue to work hard and excel in my academics as well as on the football field. In my sophomore year I am challenging myself even more by adding some rigorous classes to my ever-so-busy schedule: AP Euro, 0 period chemistry and Adv. Algebra 2.

I have been involved in football ever since I was eight years old and as soon as I first touched a football I immediately fell in love with it. Under the watchful eye of my Coach/Uncle, Eugene Gardner, I matured more and more on the field as time progressed. He is truly one of the main keys to my progression because he has taught and continues to teach me everything I know, so far, about the game of football. He has also helped make me the young man I am today because some of the things he has taught me over the years. I always have to give all my thanks to god for putting me in this wonderful position to succeed and my family for supporting me at all times.    

My writing goals for this year will diffidently be to expand my vocabulary and to learn how to write long stories and essays better. I am really looking forward to this year because I have never been in a class where you don’t take test, the teacher doesn’t grade your work, and you never have to turn in anything, personally. I think that if I manage my time wisely this year, I should be just fine, but I know that as soon as I start to slack off, it’s going to become very difficult for me so I got to keep working hard and stay on top of my assignments.