Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Soph Biweekly Column

I completely agree with Steve Jobs(May He Rest in Peace). This quote was extremely imspirtional and it made a lot of sense to me because my mother and father used to preach this to me everyday. At my elementary and middle school, they emphasised on this a lot and it eventually started to regester in my head and I finally understood its true depth and meaning. If you live everyday of your live to the fullest then you would live life with no regrets. When you y live life with no regrets you will never get that "what if" feeling you get after you do or don't do something you wish you had done. Also when you live life with no regrets, you are happier with yourself and you feel more confident as a person in our modern-day society.

            If I started to factor this brilliant advice into my lifestyle I feel like my manner would be a little off and I think I would have the dare-devil type of lifestyle. The way I live my life already is with the mentality that I don’t really care about what happens next or what my consequences will be after my actions. I am a person that thinks a lot and in turn; it causes me to say what I am thinking out loud. Sometimes the things that I think in my head are defiantly not meant to be said out loud but I still say them anyway. Of course this happens to everyone, but for me it is extremely hard to determine what needs to be said and what needs to be brought to the attention of others. If I honestly started living life like every day was my last, quite honestly, I would be a little intimidated by myself as a person. If I was another person and not myself, I would never approach Sulaiman Hameed if he was to have that type of lifestyle because that man would be reckless.

            I am a firm believer in confidence and high self-esteem. When you hold these two beneficial qualities together you get a person who is ready to conquer any obstacle ahead of him. When you exemplify these two qualities you can be a dangerous threat to your enemies and to your allies as well. “Making the big choices in life” is going to be a huge part of life throughout the whole jest of it. Sometimes making the smallest decisions can be the biggest choices you’ll ever make. When you make the big choices in life and go for the gold it shows courage and passion. Taking a risk is a great thing that life offers you and it is an opportunity that you should always seize. Making a decision can be good or bad but if you make a bad decision you can always build off of it and make the later or better decision next time. At least you can sit there and say to all the HATERS “Well at least I tried!!!”

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