Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[FP] i put that on my mayback bluhhd! ambitions

Ambitions....I got dreams and aspirations to one day be something great. In eighth grade we were given an assignment to come up with an “I AM” statement. This statement was to perceive how we wanted to be captured by the eyes of others solely by the way we act and carry ourselves on the outside. My “I AM” statement was: I am something GREAT in the making! I felt like this was the story of my life.  
            Growing up as a child, it was instilled in me that I would be successful. Although the exact nature and ways of my success were yet to be--and still are—be determined, my family was very passionate about me having this feeling. My visions and dreams are my beautiful stories waiting to come true and I can depict my future only by every decision I make either wise or immature but whatever choices I make now will help unveil my reality. I know that nothing in life is for free or just handed to you, you have to work for what you want and I am willing to work for all my ambitions. My biggest goal right now is to get a scholarship to play college football and use my athletic abilities that god has blessed me with to pay for education so that my parents don’t have to worry about it. I know that I’ll get there soon, I just have to continue to work harder than I’ve ever worked and remain humble at all times and remember to thank god for everything.

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