Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[CEP] Moutain Lion Spotting

Here's an interesting article I found:A jogger threading her way through Arana Gulch this morning reported seeing a mountain lion, a development Santa Cruz officials say would be a first.
  This was really interesting because where my grandma lives, in Oakland, there is a lot of deers and mountain lions. I remember one time when i was younger, i remember seeing a mountain lion over by her house and I was terrified because it was so much bigger than me. Mountain lions are stalkers and what I mean by that is that the stalk their prey before they pounce and kill them. If there is a lot of deer or wild hares, you better believe that there is mountain lions nearby but that only depends if its in their normal mountain-like territory, hence the name "mountain" lion.
   Mountain lions are very shy animals and they do not like to interact with people and they are most likely more scared of you than you are of them. If or when a mountain lion attacks you, it is usually confusing you for its' prey. If you are ever attacked by a mountain lion, you should not run. You need to stand their and attempt at intemmidating the lion. You should make yourself seem larger than you really are and make alot of noise because mountain lions' ears are very sensitive. If you are getting mauled by a mountain lion, I really dont know what to tell you my best advice would be to do what you got to do to get the hell out of that situation.

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