Monday, October 24, 2011

[RP] Dreams Money Can Buy

"Lets be honest, dont we all wish we all had a time machine. Life would be so much easier if we all had one. Being able to rewind the memories, fast foward the drama, pause those special moments and play the good times." 
Deja was right on this one. I always  wish i had a remote where i could rewind and fast-forward time and be able to get a second chance and do things the way I want to. When  you make a simple mistake and you look back at it and know that you could have done it better or maybe just a little bit different, it always revets you back to thinking you had some type of time machine to take you back.

On the other hand, i feel like if you always have a remote and were able at anytime to go back and correct any of your mistakes, life would be extremely easy. I think that life is only life, with obstacles and challenges and that if you just cruise through life with the easy way out all the time, you would never learn anything for yourself. I think that life is perfect the way it is and we shouldn't change a single thing about it.

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