Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[FP]Sittin in class

 So im sitting in class with my fam, ant and basixcally we just chillen you know. Aint much to do really so must of the time we just sat here and ate food and laughed and talked about good times ya know. I have no idea what we doing right now and i have no idea what to talk about so im hella happy that this is a free post because if it wasnt id be screwed. Ayy but this class is coo tho beacause ive never been in a class where you have to post all your work online. Me and Ant, went to a middle school called Northern Light School and its was smackin at first but then we got to 8th grade and they started to make us responsilbe young adults and everything but its all good. Our 7th and 8th year but mostly 8th grade was some of the funniest times of my life. I just remember this time being all good times even when it was bad times. We always had eachother rollin, in and outta class and we were all hella close. It was sad for all of us on our graduation beacause giving the fact that our class already only had like 15 kids in it and all the boys were really like bruthas, well most of us! The saddes part of our graduation was that everyone went to different high schools for their freshman year. During soph. year ant transfered to alameda high and ya boi was too juiced, now we be having this thang smackin again! lol

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