Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[CEP]Southern California wife who killed, cooked husband seeks parole

SANTA ANA -- A woman who killed her newlywed husband and chopped and cooked his body parts over Thanksgiving weekend in 1991 is seeking release from a California prison.
 Let me just start by saying this  women is insane in the membrane. Like she really has issues to the point that she had so much aggression built up which in turn was enough to kill her husband. She even went passed that to the point where she violated his dead body by chopping it up into pieces through the garbage disposal and used his meat to cook the rest of her thanksgiving dinner.
  This women was of Egyptian decent and in their culture they are taught to respect the bodies of the dead but you could definitely tell that there was something that went wrong in her up bringing or she might have some type or mental illness because it takes a lot to kill someone you loved or at least once loved. 

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