Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[CEP] Occupy Oakland

Here's the story of the OPD's takedown of innocent protesters. This morning OPD participated in a in-hostile takedown of Oakland's peaceful "Occupy Oakland" protest. The Oakland Police Department areested over 85 protesters. The protest was to let the city officials know how serious they are about changing the way our finacial administraters destribute money throughout our country.

Monday, October 24, 2011

[RP] Dreams Money Can Buy

"Lets be honest, dont we all wish we all had a time machine. Life would be so much easier if we all had one. Being able to rewind the memories, fast foward the drama, pause those special moments and play the good times." 
Deja was right on this one. I always  wish i had a remote where i could rewind and fast-forward time and be able to get a second chance and do things the way I want to. When  you make a simple mistake and you look back at it and know that you could have done it better or maybe just a little bit different, it always revets you back to thinking you had some type of time machine to take you back.

On the other hand, i feel like if you always have a remote and were able at anytime to go back and correct any of your mistakes, life would be extremely easy. I think that life is only life, with obstacles and challenges and that if you just cruise through life with the easy way out all the time, you would never learn anything for yourself. I think that life is perfect the way it is and we shouldn't change a single thing about it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[CEP] Moutain Lion Spotting

Here's an interesting article I found:A jogger threading her way through Arana Gulch this morning reported seeing a mountain lion, a development Santa Cruz officials say would be a first.
  This was really interesting because where my grandma lives, in Oakland, there is a lot of deers and mountain lions. I remember one time when i was younger, i remember seeing a mountain lion over by her house and I was terrified because it was so much bigger than me. Mountain lions are stalkers and what I mean by that is that the stalk their prey before they pounce and kill them. If there is a lot of deer or wild hares, you better believe that there is mountain lions nearby but that only depends if its in their normal mountain-like territory, hence the name "mountain" lion.
   Mountain lions are very shy animals and they do not like to interact with people and they are most likely more scared of you than you are of them. If or when a mountain lion attacks you, it is usually confusing you for its' prey. If you are ever attacked by a mountain lion, you should not run. You need to stand their and attempt at intemmidating the lion. You should make yourself seem larger than you really are and make alot of noise because mountain lions' ears are very sensitive. If you are getting mauled by a mountain lion, I really dont know what to tell you my best advice would be to do what you got to do to get the hell out of that situation.

[FP]Mixtape coming soon!!

Late Nights & Early Mornings : That is the name of our new mixtape which is set to drop either December 25, on Christmas or Jan.1, New Years' Day. This mixtape include tracks ft the likes of Q Smooth, Ang Bang, Will Jam, Bak Fresh and many more. Of coarse your boi MeedyBo is going to be killin' some verses on the mixtape as well. The beats will be done exclusively by that of Lil Ant, one of the bay area's finest producers to touch a 8 track. Bak Fresh will also be producing some tracks on the mixtape.

  The mixtape is taking longer than expected to release because it is difficult to get everyone in the studio at the same time and have it coordinate with everyone's schduele. We have already decided as a team on what our two singles will be. Our first single will be "Rollin'" which will be produced by Lil Ant and will be featuring MeedyBo, Will Jam and Bak Fresh. Our second single will be ''Homecoming" which will also be produced by Lil Ant and will be featuring MeedyBo and Q Smootth. This mixtape has taken a lot of peoples time and we really appreciate all of our supporters and our familes as well. We also want to give some shout-outs to the record label that signed us; Jungle Beats Inc. and of coarse we cant leave without thanking God. "We walk by faith: not by sight"

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[RP] Homecoming

This week is going to be the homecoming assembly and every student reppin there class color and talking shit. at the end of the day thought they they are all supporting the football team at the game. they'l have the half time prayed and stuff soo im kinda juiced for this coming week. Basically if i do good in that game and get my team that W i really dont care about any other things. i just hope JV and Var win and all go home happy on Friday night.
Ayye! I’m with my son Biruk on this one. Everybody is hyped, as they should be for homecoming on Friday. Usually teams schedule weaker opponents for their homecoming game in order for them to guarantee a win, but our football coach, Kemp Moyer, is very gutsy and he set us up to play Pinole Valley High School. Pinole is always know as a dominate force in the ACCAL league which is the league we play in. Every year they continue to produce numerous Division 1 college prospects and this year they did not fail, as usual. Now this all goes to say that we are still going to win this game tomorrow and I hyped them up on person just so you know how good they are and how much better we are going to be Friday night.


            Our record does not accurately depict the caliber of our squad. Although we are, 2-4 we have played games that we know we could have won, we just weren’t focused like we needed to be and we didn’t come out ready to play. This is all going to be different tomorrow; tomorrow will be the start of a new era of A Team football. I am tired of people trying to dog out my team, my school, and me as well. It is time to show all these Haters and Nay-Sayers what time it really is and if they aint down wit it they can bounce because on homecoming night; ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN! Shout out to al my SWAGGIN SOPHMORES!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[FP] i put that on my mayback bluhhd! ambitions

Ambitions....I got dreams and aspirations to one day be something great. In eighth grade we were given an assignment to come up with an “I AM” statement. This statement was to perceive how we wanted to be captured by the eyes of others solely by the way we act and carry ourselves on the outside. My “I AM” statement was: I am something GREAT in the making! I felt like this was the story of my life.  
            Growing up as a child, it was instilled in me that I would be successful. Although the exact nature and ways of my success were yet to be--and still are—be determined, my family was very passionate about me having this feeling. My visions and dreams are my beautiful stories waiting to come true and I can depict my future only by every decision I make either wise or immature but whatever choices I make now will help unveil my reality. I know that nothing in life is for free or just handed to you, you have to work for what you want and I am willing to work for all my ambitions. My biggest goal right now is to get a scholarship to play college football and use my athletic abilities that god has blessed me with to pay for education so that my parents don’t have to worry about it. I know that I’ll get there soon, I just have to continue to work harder than I’ve ever worked and remain humble at all times and remember to thank god for everything.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Soph Biweekly Column

I completely agree with Steve Jobs(May He Rest in Peace). This quote was extremely imspirtional and it made a lot of sense to me because my mother and father used to preach this to me everyday. At my elementary and middle school, they emphasised on this a lot and it eventually started to regester in my head and I finally understood its true depth and meaning. If you live everyday of your live to the fullest then you would live life with no regrets. When you y live life with no regrets you will never get that "what if" feeling you get after you do or don't do something you wish you had done. Also when you live life with no regrets, you are happier with yourself and you feel more confident as a person in our modern-day society.

            If I started to factor this brilliant advice into my lifestyle I feel like my manner would be a little off and I think I would have the dare-devil type of lifestyle. The way I live my life already is with the mentality that I don’t really care about what happens next or what my consequences will be after my actions. I am a person that thinks a lot and in turn; it causes me to say what I am thinking out loud. Sometimes the things that I think in my head are defiantly not meant to be said out loud but I still say them anyway. Of course this happens to everyone, but for me it is extremely hard to determine what needs to be said and what needs to be brought to the attention of others. If I honestly started living life like every day was my last, quite honestly, I would be a little intimidated by myself as a person. If I was another person and not myself, I would never approach Sulaiman Hameed if he was to have that type of lifestyle because that man would be reckless.

            I am a firm believer in confidence and high self-esteem. When you hold these two beneficial qualities together you get a person who is ready to conquer any obstacle ahead of him. When you exemplify these two qualities you can be a dangerous threat to your enemies and to your allies as well. “Making the big choices in life” is going to be a huge part of life throughout the whole jest of it. Sometimes making the smallest decisions can be the biggest choices you’ll ever make. When you make the big choices in life and go for the gold it shows courage and passion. Taking a risk is a great thing that life offers you and it is an opportunity that you should always seize. Making a decision can be good or bad but if you make a bad decision you can always build off of it and make the later or better decision next time. At least you can sit there and say to all the HATERS “Well at least I tried!!!”

[CEP]Southern California wife who killed, cooked husband seeks parole

SANTA ANA -- A woman who killed her newlywed husband and chopped and cooked his body parts over Thanksgiving weekend in 1991 is seeking release from a California prison.
 Let me just start by saying this  women is insane in the membrane. Like she really has issues to the point that she had so much aggression built up which in turn was enough to kill her husband. She even went passed that to the point where she violated his dead body by chopping it up into pieces through the garbage disposal and used his meat to cook the rest of her thanksgiving dinner.
  This women was of Egyptian decent and in their culture they are taught to respect the bodies of the dead but you could definitely tell that there was something that went wrong in her up bringing or she might have some type or mental illness because it takes a lot to kill someone you loved or at least once loved. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[FP]Sittin in class

 So im sitting in class with my fam, ant and basixcally we just chillen you know. Aint much to do really so must of the time we just sat here and ate food and laughed and talked about good times ya know. I have no idea what we doing right now and i have no idea what to talk about so im hella happy that this is a free post because if it wasnt id be screwed. Ayy but this class is coo tho beacause ive never been in a class where you have to post all your work online. Me and Ant, went to a middle school called Northern Light School and its was smackin at first but then we got to 8th grade and they started to make us responsilbe young adults and everything but its all good. Our 7th and 8th year but mostly 8th grade was some of the funniest times of my life. I just remember this time being all good times even when it was bad times. We always had eachother rollin, in and outta class and we were all hella close. It was sad for all of us on our graduation beacause giving the fact that our class already only had like 15 kids in it and all the boys were really like bruthas, well most of us! The saddes part of our graduation was that everyone went to different high schools for their freshman year. During soph. year ant transfered to alameda high and ya boi was too juiced, now we be having this thang smackin again! lol

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I am not a human being!

What makes us human? This very question can conjure up a vast amount many different opinionated answers but the definitive characteristics of human being for me, is how diverse our human species is from other species on our planet and possibly in other universes as well. Also how diverse we are from one another. The human race, to me is by far the most advance species known so far to man. The fact that we have been able to build and create different advancements in science, mathematics and just life in generally ha s been a major factor for why we have been as successful as a race.

            An advancement that has pushed us pass different races has to be the diversity in our language systems. In different countries and regions, we use different languages to speak to one another and communicate with each other. In some areas we even use dialects to communicate. Dialects are more like sounds rather than a particular language, and are used throughout the more rural area in countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. Other difference in our languages is the different accents we use. An accent isn’t necessarily a different language but instead it might be a different tone in most cases. Many languages have different accents that are used throughout different areas of where they speak that language. Accents are extremely common in North and South America where many people speak the same language but it is spread out so it may sound different in different countries. For example, in the United States of America, the countries official language is English, but since there are so many different regions within the USA, a certain persons English in the southern portion of the country will most times sound a little bit different from a person’s English that lives in the western portion of the country.

            Another characteristic that sets us apart from many other species is the fact that every single individual is their own selves. Every single person on our planets has their own way of doing things, their own features, and their own thought process. You could easily say that identical twins look alike, but what you cannot say is that they think exactly alike all the time and have the same exact emotions. Same thing with opinions: yes indeed, people are going to have or think of the same opinion but you cannot conclude that they had the same thought process that lead them to the particular conclusion. Every human being has their own mind state and every individual is entitled to that but when you think about it deeply, it is quite intriguing. People may all think differently about something, but the thing that will always bond us till death do us apart is that we are still all thinking.

            Our diversity expands way beyond just our thought process. Another trait that sets us apart from one another is our belief and moral systems. There are many different religions in our world. The main three religions are; Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Your morals don’t necessarily pertain to your religious views though. For example, many people, like Steven Montoya, believe that in the religion of Islam it is thought that it is okay to kill people who don’t believe in the same god as you, which is complete BS. I say this because it is the exact opposite and matter of fact it is thought to embrace those who do not believe the same as you and that it is solely for god to decide the fate of a living human being. Religions do help to build strong foundations for moral values but again it leads you back to where you can see how we all have different thought processes that might get in the way of what we know to be wrong and what we know to be right. Every human is given that very attribute and sometimes your conscious can eat up and make you forget wrong and right and you end up doing something stupid. If you think about it, life would be extremely boring and dull if everybody thought the same because then there would never be a variety and everything would be a routine.

            Another aspect that plays a major role in the life of a human being, is how we can display multiple personalities but yet be the same person. This can also tie back into our emotions but it can be bigger than just emotions. You can also think about it like this; are you going to act the same way with your mother than you do with your friends, in most cases the answer is no. I know I’m not about to sit up there and just curse in front of my mom like I do with my friends. The human species was given emotions that make us act according to how we feel. If a person is extremely angry inside, they aren’t going to go around skipping and singing songs while giving everybody they pass a hug and a compliment. No, it just doesn’t work like that, I’m sorry.

            Some people are raised in the safe streets of Alameda and some of us are raised in the rough streets of Oakland. Where you are raised and where you come from plays a major role on how you behave yourself. If a lion is raised by a human, in captivity, they will not be as aggressive as a lion that was raised in the wild. It is the same thing for humans, how you were raised by your guardians or parents play a role of which you will grow up to be. A rich kid will go out into the world and will always know that they have something to fall back on and will never be scared to try new things and take risk. A kid that maybe grew up in the ghetto will go out into the world and will feel like they have nothing to lose and just not give a crap about life and just go through it without caring for anything.